
Christian Living Made Simple is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Made Simple Series by Mark Water explains questions about the Christianity in a clear way. He simplifies, yet thoroughly explains complex issues regarding the Bible, morality, and religion in this excellent series. Christian Living Made Simple walks you through how to overcome your selfish desires and make Jesus the main focus of your life. It’s a process, but through this series of studies,...

Three stages There are three stages in Bible reading: 1. the cod liver stage, when you take it like medicine; 2. the shredded wheat stage when it’s nourishing but dry; 3. the peaches and cream stage when it is consumed with passion and pleasure. The basics Most Christians are aware of the basics about Bible reading: • Pray before you start. • See what the passages means in its own context. • See what it teaches about: a. God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) b. the Christian life. Apply anything you
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